All Change (for the good)

Today was a completely different day in so many way’s. Phil was feeling ok. The weather was quite sunny and life was a hell of a lot better than it was yesterday…lol
As what seem’s like alway’s we needed to go down town. The normal bill paying stuff mixed in with a quick mouch around the many charity shop’s we have in Stourbridge.
The first thing we noticed was that the cafe/coffee shop in the middle of the Rye maket has shut. I just knew it would start Phil off about how Stourbridge is slipping down hill fast. The trouble is i think he is right. We do seem to have a lot of empty shop’s. Anyway we hit the bank ( not literally) before doing a little food shopping. Phil made a couple of very expensive 2x78rpm records and an Iron Maiden "T" shirt. total cost £4.00 the lot. A bargain as the "T" shirt is brand new.
So Phil was happy and i brought two book’s. So we were both happy…….lol
We finished our shopping and came home…………
Phil as aked me to put this pic of some babes and a car on here…lol…..circaBeauties-Bathing 1928
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1 Response to All Change (for the good)

  1. Princess says:

    Yo Kayley & Phil! ooohhh I soooo lurve looking around charity shops & bargain hunting in general. I enjoy going round craft markets especially. Relieved Phil is feeling better 2day…fresh air will have done u good Phil! Hope u have a nice realxing evening! Luv PF XXX
    ps. Phil!!! still haven’t got over the shock!! uv easten frog s legs!!! froggie hopping off holding legs tightly!

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