Ive been up since just before 6.00am (Phil that is) Madame is still in the land of nod(asleep)
Been chatting to friend’s on Facebook as im not the only nutter that gets up at silly o clockNerd
There is no snow outside here( great!) Infact i think it is much milder than it has beenTongue out
Caz and Jaqui are up at their house while Dave and his dad are still asleep in bed. No prezzies have been opened as it is their family tradition that the parents hand out the gifts to the kids.
It got me thinking about our family traditions…..lol.
Christmas is about being at mom and dads. Our family home if you like.
Its the atmosphere that grows as various family members arrive. The music that is always on.
At 12.00pm a load of us will go down our local. mom as always will be asked before hand to leave the dinner and come with us and as always she will say thanx but no thanx…lol.
My sister will stay to help and when we leave they will open a bottle of wineOpen-mouthed
Dad will insist on buying the first round and he will tell us not to spoil our dinner by having too much to drink (we never have by the way…lol)
We will be on a time check and need to be back home just after 1.00pm or if we are really lucky 1.30pmSmile
My brother-in-law and myself will maybe have 3 pints. (5 is the record)
We will arrive home and dinner will "kick off"
You cant eat your dinner until all Christmas crackers are pulled and hats are onSmile
Over the years the size of our Christmas dinners have got smaller. I can remember when you needed to stand up to see over them..lol (not quite but not far off)
I can also remember the one Christmas when we sat down at 1.00pm to eat and with all the wine flowing and most of us smoking  we left the table just after 7.00pm.Surprised
There’s nothing like a big family get together!
It is after all what Chrismas is really about.
Have a good one……………we will for sure!
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  1. Karen says:

    Happy Christmas Kayley and Phil x

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