A matter of principle! (Phil not a happy bunny!)

Can someone please explain to me why some people seem to have no respect or consideration for other people and their property.
Im being specifc and i am talking about someone "borrowing" an item from you.
Persoanly if i "borrow" something i return it as soon as im finished with it and in the same condition as i recieved it.
Is that too much to ask? I dont think so and it shows respect and consideration.
It also would mean that in the future any further help or assistance will gladly be given…….or not if the item borrowed did not come back within a reasonable time or infact i had to go fetch it!!
Maybe it’s The Homer Simpson syndrome………………….?
Whatever it is it really does piss me off!!
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4 Responses to A matter of principle! (Phil not a happy bunny!)

  1. Princess says:

    Yo Kayley & Phil! I can understand ur frustration! A neighbour asked 2 borrow our hosepipe reel, of course we didna mind. It woz a really long one & cost £49.99. A lot later they confessed that they had , had a catastrophe, the washing machine had leaked & in order 2 stem the flow they had 2 cut our hosepipe in half.

  2. Princess says:

    ….They never replaced it & I thought that woz really rude, as I in that position wuda replaced it immediately- 2 the poin thtat they never needed 2 know the accident that had befallen it! Strange how different peops think! Hope u both have a relaxing evening, Luv PF XXX

  3. Kayley and Phil says:

    Yeh we know what you mean. They could even been totally honest with you and said what had happened. It wouldn’t have mattered as long as you got you pipe back

  4. Kayley and Phil says:

    Some people just have no idea. Or are we the problem. To willing to help but you never get it back. Makes you wonder why you bothered in the first place……..hhhhmmpph moan over!!

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